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Hello, my name is Nick.  I go by the name Nick4Liberty when I write articles or post online.  I am a Patriot and I love freedom!  I started this site because people need to wake up out of their trance and If I can wake up just a few people then this is all worth it to me.  Americans are being programmed and brainwashed by the mainstream media and the public school system in the United States.  America and the world are being infiltrated by terrorists.  No, I don't mean Al Qaeda.  I mean globalist elite bankers and CEO's.  These people people are as evil as they come and want to take over and control every aspect of our lives.  If they get their way America will no longer have its Sovereignty.  We have already lost so many of our freedoms and they won't stop until they are all history!  So check out this site to find out some real news about things that you won't hear about on TV.  Email it to your friends and family, check out the links and documentaries sections.  I will not be a slave and I don't want you to be either so don't follow the flock like the rest of the sheep.  It's time to wake up!

Who I am and what I'm about

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